What is the waiting period after taking the funeral plan?
There is a 3-month waiting period for death due to natural causes. However, in the case of death by suicide, a 12-month waiting period is applied. No waiting period is applied for accidental death.
Can a mother and father who are not married have two separate plans and both cover their kids?
Yes, both parents can have separate funeral plans and include their children as beneficiaries on each plan.
Can one person be covered by two individuals, and if so, when it’s time to claim, can they claim for one person?
Yes, one person can be covered by two different individuals under separate policies. When it’s time to claim, each policyholder can submit a claim independently. The claims will be processed according to the terms of each policy.
Is it possible to cover children with different surnames?
Yes, children with different surnames can be covered under the same family funeral plan, provided they meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the policy.
On the family plan, what if the two are not yet married but stay together; can they take this and cover each other?
Yes, a couple living together but not yet married can take out a family funeral plan and cover each other as long as they are nominated as beneficiaries on the policy.
The family cover, covers children from what age to what age?
The family cover provides coverage for children from birth (including stillborn children) up to the age of 21. If the child is studying and financially dependent, the coverage can be extended up to the age of 24
What if I don’t share the surname with my kids?
The surname of the child does not affect their eligibility for coverage under the funeral plan. You can cover your children under the plan regardless of whether you share the same surname.
If I have only 2 kids, can I add any 3?
The policy typically allows for coverage of a specific number of children. If you have fewer children than the maximum allowed, you can include additional dependents, such as legally adopted children, provided they meet the policy’s eligibility criteria.
What is the waiting period, and is it the same for both children and adults?
Yes, the waiting period is the same for both children and adults. There is a 3-month waiting period for death due to natural causes and a 12-month waiting period for death by suicide. There is no waiting period for accidental death.
Will the rebate for TC and Funeral be combined on a monthly basis, or will they be paid separately?
Rebates for the Table Charm (TC) and the Funeral Plan will be paid separately, as they are distinct products with separate payment schedules.
At what age is my child no longer regarded as a dependent?
Your child is generally considered a dependent until the age of 21. However, if your child is studying and financially dependent on you, the coverage can be extended up to the age of 24.
How old can I be to take out funeral cover?
You can take out funeral cover from the age of 18. The maximum age to take out a new policy is 64 years. Once you are over 64, you cannot take out a new policy, but if you already have a policy, it will continue as long as premiums are paid.
Can I be over 64 and take out a policy?
No, the maximum entry age to take out a new funeral policy is 64 years. If you are over 64, you cannot take out a new policy, but existing policies will continue if you maintain premium payments.
How to pay your monthly premiums:
You can either pay using Pay@ or by loading a monthly debit order.
How to Pay Your TC Funeral Policy Premium using Pay@:
- Find Your Pay@ Number: Every TC Funeral Policyholder receives a unique policy Pay@ number, which is included in your policy documentation. This number starts with the Table Charm Unique Receiver ID 11280 followed by a 10-digit unique identifier.
- Visit a Pay@ Retail Location: You can make your payment at any Pay@ participating retail store. With over 11,000 locations nationwide, paying your premium is as easy as stopping by your local store during your routine shopping trip.
- Provide Your Pay@ Number: When you’re ready to pay, simply provide your unique Pay@ number to the cashier. You can pay with cash or by using your debit or credit card.
- Confirm Payment: Once you’ve made the payment, you’ll receive a receipt confirming that your premium has been paid. Your Pay@ number remains the same every month, so you can use it for all future payments.
How to Pay Your TC Funeral Policy Premium using Debit Order:
Load a Monthly Debit Order: You can load a monthly debit order when you apply for your policy on the TC Connect App or online at www.tcdirect.co.za/funeral-plans/
When does a policy lapse?
A policy will lapse if you fail to pay your premiums for two consecutive months. There is a 2-month grace period for the payment of premiums. If the full premium is not paid by the end of this grace period, the policy will lapse, and no benefits will be payable. To avoid this, it’s crucial to ensure your premium payments are made on time each month.